Spring is here, the dark days of winter are fading behind us, and the extra light provides the opportunity to shed the stiffness of hibernation and awaken to our surroundings with new perspective. This always gets me in the mood to clean, re-organize, and refresh my living space.
William Morris's words "have nothing in your house you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" is a perfect mantra during this time. Be bold. Get rid of stuff you don't use, don't like looking at, or don't know what to do with. Especially target corners, backs of shelves and closets, and under the bed. This will immediately free your home and your psyche of heavy and sluggish clutter. And what an amazing feeling that is. Happy Spring! Comments are closed.
I am going to make everything around me beautiful. That will be my life. - Elsie de Wolfe Archives
January 2018